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Best Home Features for Pets

Creating a pet-friendly home involves considering the comfort, safety, and well-being of your furry friends. Here are some features to…
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Fraud Awareness Month

Did you know? March is Fraud Awareness Month. Protecting yourself and your mortgage from fraud is crucial to safeguard your…
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Winterizing Your Home

We Canadians are no strangers to the chill of the winter season! As we shift into the final few months…
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Mortgage Renewal Benefits

Is your mortgage coming up for renewal?   Do you know about the options available to you when renewing?   If not,…
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Spooktacular Home Tips

It is hard to believe it is October already! Even though Fall has already started, there are a few things…
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Interest Rate increase

Sam’s shorts are concise notes, keeping you informed of important information relating to mortgage matters. We promise, we will keep…
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Sam’s shorts

How many email newsletters do you receive each month? If your inbox is anything like mine, probably too many! The…
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Spring Cleaning Tips

As the sun starts coming back around, it is a great time to scrub those windows and deep clean your…
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Sam’s shorts

Changes to the Prohibition on the Purchase of residential Property by Non-Canadians Act. Ottawa, Ontario, March 27, 2023 Today, the…
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